Facilitating Client Value Creation in the Conceptual Design Phase of Construction Projects: A Workshop Approach


  • Mikael Hygum Thyssen
  • Stephen Emmitt
  • Sten Bonke
  • Anders Kirk-Christoffersen




If client values are not fully understood in a construction project it is likely to result in either low fulfilment of client expectations or multiple design alterations during the project process which lead to additional costs and frustration among the project participants. However, it is not a straightforward management task to operationalize client value in construction. Within this context, the client group comprises multiple stakeholders, which often have conflicting goals and values that may not be fully realized by the stakeholders themselves. The management challenge is further complicated by the fact that the delivery team, which is responsible for understanding and delivering client value, is made up of even more different parties. The article reports the initial outcome of a joint research project between academics and practitioners, which aims to develop a practical workshop model that incorporates client values into the conceptual design of construction projects. The workshop model draws on value management and lean thinking as underlying principles in an attempt to address the ambiguous concept of `value'. DOI: 10.3763/aedm.2008.0095






Selected abstracts from AEDM

How to Cite

THYSSEN, Mikael Hygum; EMMITT, Stephen; BONKE, Sten; KIRK-CHRISTOFFERSEN, Anders. Facilitating Client Value Creation in the Conceptual Design Phase of Construction Projects: A Workshop Approach. Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos (Design Management and Technology), São Carlos, v. 5, n. 1, p. 137–137, 2010. DOI: 10.4237/gtp.v5i1.158. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/gestaodeprojetos/article/view/50980.. Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.