O projeto, as funções e o uso dos parques urbanos do Recife
The research had as its main aim the investigation of the relationship between park design, functions and uses. This study, focusing on the city of Recife, originated from observation of a need for new parks in the city, and the limited research about existing parks in Brazil. A literature study of different concepts of park design in Europe and America which have influenced the development of parks in developing countries such as Brazil. The links between park design and uses were investigated by assessing the level of match between design and user requirements, taking into account the provision of facilities, the type of activities undertaken and the level and type of problems identifiedDescargas
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Cómo citar
Carneiro, A. R. de S. (1997). O projeto, as funções e o uso dos parques urbanos do Recife. Paisagem E Ambiente, 10, 167-187. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5361.v0i10p167-187