Public architecture program of the Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - The Santo Antonio do Amparo case


  • Marieta Cardoso Maciel
  • Karina Machado de Castro Simão
  • Stefânia de Araújo Perna



Revitalization. Landscape. Public space


This paper presents the Project of the main square of the city Santo Antônio do Amparo, realized in the scope  of the Public Architecture Program of the Architecture School of Federal University of Minas Gerais, in the period of during September to December‘s 2005 (two thousand and five). To realize the project, local researches and them diagnosis of the area were made. Then, a lot of researches of similar projects and studies were realized. Those studies were presented to the municipal mayor and the community,and after some suggestions, the final project were made. The Program possibilited the learning by the reallity experiences: the contact with the client and with the problem.


Author Biographies

  • Marieta Cardoso Maciel
    Arquiteta e urbanista, professora doutora do Departamento de Projeto da Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG.
  • Karina Machado de Castro Simão
    Arquiteta e urbanista, bolsista do Programa Arquitetura Pública da Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG.
  • Stefânia de Araújo Perna
    Arquiteta e urbanista, bolsista do Programa Arquitetura Pública da Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG.



How to Cite

Maciel, M. C., Simão, K. M. de C., & Perna, S. de A. (2007). Public architecture program of the Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - The Santo Antonio do Amparo case. Paisagem E Ambiente, 23, 198-213.