Results of neuropsychological rehabilitation in patient with mild Alzheimer's disease - A case study
Neuropsychological rehabilitation, Alzheimer's disease, MemoryAbstract
Traditionally, Alzheimer's support and information groups have been developed for families and caregivers rather than for the actual patient. However, this reality is changing because of the increase in early AD diagnosis. The demand for medication and behavioral treatment for patients is also increasing. The purpose of this case report is to describe the neuropsychological rehabilitation (NR) of a mild AD patient in group and in individual sessions. First, CGP took part in two NR groups each for a 4 month period, and then started individual NR sessions for a 22 month period. In the sessions, memory and language abilities were the focus of the NR as well as the activities of daily living. During this period it was possible to observe positive changes in MMSE score, as will as preservation of other cognitive function scores. This single case study is in agreement of previous studies which also showed documented positive effects of NR with AD patients.Downloads
Case Report
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How to Cite
Results of neuropsychological rehabilitation in patient with mild Alzheimer’s disease - A case study . (2003). Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo), 30(4), 139-146.