Impact of the comorbidity in the diagnosis and treament of bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder, comorbitity, anxiety disorders, diagnosis, treatmentAbstract
The authors describe the main comorbidities in patients with bipolar disorder and its implications on diagnosis and treatment. The presence of comorbidities makes diagnostic procedure and clinical management of the patient more difficult and is related to poor treatment response. Due to the common co-occurrence of bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders, their presence must be considered when diagnosing and treating patients with bipolar disorder. Treatment of patients with bipolar and comorbid disorders almost always include a mood stabilizer. Based on the data available no firm recommendations can be made as to which mood stabilizer would be best for these patients. When it is necessary to use an antidepressant there are potential problems and risks that must be remembered. Benzodiazepines can be useful as coadjuvants in the pharmacotherapy of these patients.Downloads
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How to Cite
Impact of the comorbidity in the diagnosis and treament of bipolar disorder . (2005). Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo), 32(supl.1), 71-77.