Explaining the meaning of the WHOQOL-SRPB
Quality of life, spirituality, religiosity, WHOQOL-SRPB, evaluationAbstract
BACKGROUND: WHOQOL-SRPB is an instrument developed to evaluate how spirituality, religiosity and personal beliefs (SRPB) are related to quality of life in health and health care. Recently, Moreira-Almeida and Koenig (2006) questioned several aspects concerning WHOQOL-SRPB including de definition of the construct used in the instrument and the fact that its facets are too broad to be considered spirituality and religiosity. The present study is an answer to these questions, based on the clarification of some concepts behind the development of the WHOQOLO-SRPB. OBJECTIVES: To clarify the concepts behind the development of the WHOQOL-SRPB. METHODS: The questions raised by Moreira-Almeida and Koenig (2006) were discussed based on the objectives and conceptual framework of the WHOQOL-SRPB and also on the pertinent literature. RESULTS: 1) WHOQOL-SRPB is not an instrument developed to evaluate SRPB but Quality of Life construct; 2) personal beliefs may function as a strategy to cope with life problems, since they give meaning to human behavior and hypothetically influence quality of life; 3) SRPB is a coherent construct and may be considered an independent construct specially concerning psychological well-being; 4) the concepts included in the WHOQOL project were considered genuine cross-cultural concepts through international consensus and this is one of its major strengths. CONCLUSIONS: WHOQOL-SRPB should be seen as an important contribution to the study of the relationship between quality of life and spirituality, religiosity and personal beliefs.Downloads
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How to Cite
Explaining the meaning of the WHOQOL-SRPB . (2007). Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo), 34(supl.1), 146-149. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0101-60832007000700018