Drug abuse during pregnancy
Pregnancy, drugs, alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, tobaccoAbstract
BACKGROUND: Despite the fact that it has being a growing problem worldwide, very few works and papers have been published on drug use during pregnancy. OBJECTIVES: To objectively address the most commonly abused drugs (alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and tobacco) by women of a reproductive age. METHODS: A literature review (MEDLINE, LILACS) of the most recent papers on drug abuse by women of reproductive age was carried out. RESULTS: The primary consequences of drug abuse both for the mother and the infant are described. CONCLUSIONS: This is a little discussed major public health issue which requires the involvement of a multidisciplinary team. The publication of a greater number of papers on the problem is necessary in order to establish the best strategy for addressing intervention in this population.Downloads
Reviews of Literature
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How to Cite
Drug abuse during pregnancy . (2008). Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo), 35(supl.1), 44-47. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0101-60832008000700010