Behavior disturbances after corticotherapy in a patient with uncommom neurological manifestation of Behcet Syndrome and the role of the consultation liaison psychiatry


  • Amilton Santos Júnior UNICAMP; FCM; DPMP
  • Lucas Francisco Botequio Mella UNICAMP; FCM; DPMP
  • Egberto Ribeiro Turato UNICAMP; FCM; DPMP
  • Neury José Botega UNICAMP; FCM; DPMP



Psychology Psychiatric aspects, Organic Mental Disorders, Behcet Syndrome


Consultation Liaison Psychiatry studies the relationship between psychiatry and all other areas of knowledge of the health-disease process and intends to propose solutions, under a biopsychosocial perspective, to the clinical (assistant) or institutional (service-related) problems. It is described the case of a patient who presented unusual pathophysiologic manifestation of the Behcet's syndrome and also developed mental disorder after the pharmacological treatment with corticosteroids. Despite the remission of mental and behavioral symptoms with psychopharmacological treatment of short duration, her clinical outcome made it need the reintroduction of corticotherapy, with recrudescence of the psychiatric disorder and the need for maintenance treatment to assure its management. Besides illustrating a rare clinical condition, the case described exemplifies the benefits of joint and planned actions between psychiatrists and other professionals involved in an individual assistance at the hospital ward.


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Case Report

How to Cite

Behavior disturbances after corticotherapy in a patient with uncommom neurological manifestation of Behcet Syndrome and the role of the consultation liaison psychiatry . (2009). Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo), 36(5), 203-205.