Mineral nutrition of wheat plant I: Dry matter production by two cultivates under two conditions of levels of water in a latossolo roxo soil in Brazil
An experimental trial was carried out to determine the dry matter production ot wheats plants submetted to two level of water availability the cultivates used were: BH 1146 recomended for non irrigated areas and IAC-24 Tucuruí recomended for medium flooded areas. The experimental trial was carried out on a Latossolo Roxo (Eutrustox) and was fertilized with 20 kg of N and 90 kg of P2O5 per hectare. The plants were cuted and dried at the following stages: 10 days, at the begining of fillering; 30 days, at the stem alongation; 50 days at the joiting; 70 days, ate the flowering; 90 days, at the begining of grain formation and 110 days at the maturity of the grains. The authors concluded: The irrigation increased the dry matter production in both cultivates in all ages; Under dry land the cultivate IAC-24 Tucuruí showed the highest dry matter profuction; Under irrigation the cultivate IAC-24 Tucuruí showed the highest dry matter production.Downloads
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How to Cite
Fontoura, J., & Haag, H. (1987). Mineral nutrition of wheat plant I: Dry matter production by two cultivates under two conditions of levels of water in a latossolo roxo soil in Brazil . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 44(2), 1563-1577. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761987000200032