Brazilian experimental cinema and intertextuality

a comparative analysis between Limite (Mário Peixoto, 1931) and A Agonia (Júlio Bressane, 1978)


  • Pedro Pimenta Barbosa de Sousa Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Film Analysis, Experimental Cinema, Júlio Bressan, Intertextuality, Mário Peixoto


This paper aims to perform an analysis of the intertextual relationship between Limite (Mário Peixoto, 1931) and A Agonia (Júlio Bressane, 1978). Limite is a experimental feature film that was little exhibited until the 1970s, when the work is restored and it becomes more widespread. Júlio Bressane watches it for the first time on this occasion, and then decides to make a feature film (A Agonia) in order to perform, in the words of the director, a "cinematic critique" of Limite. This analysis will focus, then, on the sequences from A Agonia that reenact, in a particular manner, excerpts from the movie by Mario Peixoto.


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How to Cite

Sousa, P. P. B. de. (2019). Brazilian experimental cinema and intertextuality: a comparative analysis between Limite (Mário Peixoto, 1931) and A Agonia (Júlio Bressane, 1978). Anagrama, 13(2), 1-16.