Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the CNS, with a “Lymphomatosis cerebri” pattern




Central Nervous System Neoplasm, Lymphomatosis cerebri, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Dementia


We describe an unusual case of lymphomatosis cerebri in a middle-aged lady presenting with rapid-onset dementia. The lymphomatous infiltrate, instead of forming mass lesions, percolated throughout the brain parenchyma, which is often missed on a stereotactic biopsy and hence warrants caution and awareness about this entity. The nonspecific symptoms at presentation and a variable picture at imaging make this entity diagnostically challenging.



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Article / Autopsy Case Report

How to Cite

Thirunavukkarasu, B., Gupta, K., Shree, R., Prabhakar, A., Takkar Kapila, A., Lal, V., & Radotra, B. (2021). Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the CNS, with a “Lymphomatosis cerebri” pattern. Autopsy and Case Reports, 11, e2021250.