Epignathus with oropharynx destruction





Fetus, Pathology, Oral Teratoma


Epignathus, is a rare oropharyngeal teratoma arising from the head and neck region. Sporadic cases have been described with associated intracerebral teratoma. Even more infrequent and extraordinary is the circumstance of a teratoma with oropharynx destruction. We describe the case of a fetus with pharyngeal mass that completely destroyed the oral cavity. The histological examination revealed an immature teratoma (G3); only one other G3 case has been described.



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Autopsy Case Report and Review

How to Cite

Pellegrini, V., Colasurdo, F., & Guerriero, . M. . (2021). Epignathus with oropharynx destruction. Autopsy and Case Reports, 11, e2021293. https://doi.org/10.4322/acr.2021.293