Giant epidermal inclusion cyst of the thyroid: a rare occurrence




Epidermal Cyst, Rare Diseases, Thyroid Gland, Thyroidectomy


Epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC) of the thyroid is extremely rare in the clinical practice. A handful of cases have been documented in the past in the world literature. A giant EIC of the thyroid is hitherto unreported. This lesion may arise from the squamous metaplasia of the thyroid follicular cells. Though non-neoplastic, giant forms can cause compression of the vital structures of the neck. In the present case, we have described a giant epidermal inclusion cyst successfully managed with surgical management.



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Clinical Case Report and Review

How to Cite

Samal, S. ., Sable, M. ., & Pradhan, P. . (2021). Giant epidermal inclusion cyst of the thyroid: a rare occurrence. Autopsy and Case Reports, 11, e2021318.