A monographic revision of the American Galeritini (Coleoptera, Carabidae)
The first part of this monograph treats the New World species of the tribe Galeritini (Carabidae), taxonomically. After this taxonomic treatment, some other problems, such as geographic variation, reduction of wings, zoogeography, evolution and phylogeny, are discussed. In the genus Progaleritina, it was noted that some (three) species show a clinal variation of size. This variation was studied statistically, having been found that there is straight correlation between variation in size and latitude. Such variation in size is discussed in relation to Bergmann's principle. The study of the reduction of functional (flying) wings of the members of the tribe brought several interesting data to light; some interesting cases in which wing-dimorphism or wing-polymorphism occur, are discussed. Based on the relations of the species and genera, a probable route of dispersion of the tribe in the World, has been constructed, having the author reached the conclusion that the group is of Neotropical origin.Downloads
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How to Cite
Reichardt, H. (1967). A monographic revision of the American Galeritini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) . Arquivos De Zoologia, 15(1-2), 1-176. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2176-7793.v15i1-2p1-176