Early (17th and 18th centuries) drawings of lantern‑flies and mentions of their bioluminescence (Fulgora spp., Hemiptera, Homoptera, Fulgoridae)


  • Nelson Papavero Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Museu de Zoologia (MZUSP)
  • Dante Martins Teixeira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Museu Nacional (MNRJ)




Fulgora, Early drawings, Jacques de Heyn, Pieter Holstejn, Alexander Marshal, Iob Leutholf, Anonymous artist, 17th and 18th centuries, Bioluminescence


For many years, it was believed that the first two notices about New World lantern-flies (Fulgoridae), with descriptions and illustrations of the insects, as well as mentions of their luminescence, were due to Nehemiah Grey (1681) and Maria Sibylla Merian (1705). However, there are illustrations of lantern-flies prior to Grew’s paper, and the first of them, by Jacques de Heyn (1620), also refers to the bioluminescence of those insects. The second is a watercolour by Pieter Holstejn (1614‑1673), a Dutch Golden Age painter and engraver. Several illustrations of lantern-flies were lately produced during the 17th and 18th centuries, for example by Alexander Marshal (ca. 1620‑1682), an English entomologist, gardener, and botanical artist, by Iob Leutholf (1694), and also by an anonymous artist (first half of the 18th century).


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Author Biographies

  • Nelson Papavero, Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Museu de Zoologia (MZUSP)
    Avenida Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga, CEP 04263‑000, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
  • Dante Martins Teixeira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Museu Nacional (MNRJ)
    Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, CEP 20940‑040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.


Buch’oz, P.J. 1771. Histoire génerale des Insectes de Surinam et de toute l’Europe, contenant leurs descriptions, leurs figures, leurs differentes metamorphoses, de même que les descriptions des plantes, fleurs & fruits, dont ils se nourissent. & sur lesquels on les trouve plus communément; avec quelques details sur les Crapauds, Lézards, Serpens, Araignées, & autres petits Animaux de Surinam, peints sur les lieux d’après nature & gravés avec soin, par Mademoiselle Marie Sybille de Merian, en deux parties in-folio, troisieme edition, revue, corrigée, & considérablement augmentée, par M. Buch’oz, Médecin Botaniste de feue Sa Majesté le Roi de Pologne, Membre de plusieurs Académies, a laquelle on a joint une troisieme Partie qui traîte des plus belles Fleurs, telles que des Plantes bulbeuses, liliacées, caryophillées, &c. avec leur Description exacte, leur culture, & leurs proprietés. Ouvrage intéressant pour les amateurs de l’Histoire Naturelle, et unique en son genre. Tome premier. Des plantes de Surinam. Chez L.C. Desnos, Libraire, Ingénueur-Géographe de Sa Majesté la Roi de Danemarck, Paris.

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Grew, N. 1681. Musaeum Regalis Societatis. Or a catalogue & description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge. Whereunto is subjoyned the comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts. London, W. Rawlins.

Grew, N. 1685. Musaeum Regalis Societatis. Or a catalogue & description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham College. Whereunto is subjoyned the comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts. London, Tho. Malthus.

Guilding, L. 1834. Observations on the work of Maria Sibilla Merian on the insects, &c., of Surinam. Magazine of Natural History, London, 7:355-375.

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Merian, M.S. 1705a. Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium, ofte Verandering der Surinaamsche Insecten, waar in de Surinaamsche Rupfen en Wormen mit alle des zelfs Veranderingen na het leven afgebeeld en beschreeven worden, zynde elk geplaast op die Gewassen, Bloemen en Vruchten, daar sy op gevonden zyn; waare in ook de generatie der Kirkvorchen, wonderbaren Padde, Hagedissen, Slangen, Spinnen en Mieren warden vertoond en beschreeven, alles in America na het leven en levensgroote geschildert en beschreeven. Amsterdam.

Merian, M.S. 1705b. Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium. In qua erucae ac vermes surinamensis, cum omnibus suis transformationibus, ad vivum delineantur & describuntur, singulis eorum in plantas, flores & fructus collocatis, in quibus reperta sunt; tum etiam generatio ranarum, bufonum rariorum, lacertarum, sepentarum, araneorum & formicarum exhibetur; omnia in America ad vivùm naturali magnitudine picta atque descripta per Mariam Sibyllam Merian, Sumtibus Auctoris, Amstelodami.

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Original Article

How to Cite

Papavero, N., & Teixeira, D. M. (2017). Early (17th and 18th centuries) drawings of lantern‑flies and mentions of their bioluminescence (Fulgora spp., Hemiptera, Homoptera, Fulgoridae). Arquivos De Zoologia, 48(3), 95-113. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2176-7793.v48i1p95-113