Review Of Ecotoxicological Studies Of The Marine And Estuarine Environments Of The Baixada Santista (São Paulo, Brazil)
The aim of the present study was to identify, through ecotoxicological assays, the most critical areas in the Baixada Santista area by compiling scientific papers and technical reports of the state environmental agency. Sediment samples were assessed employing Tiburonella viscana, Leptocheirus plumulosus, Nitokra sp., and embryos of Lytechinus variegatus and Perna perna. Water column samples were assessed by using Vibrio fischeri and Lytechinus variegatus. A total of 217 samples were compiled. It was found that the frequency of acute toxicity was higher in integral sediment samples from the Santos Channel (70.68%) and the lowest frequency was obtained for Bertioga beach samples (15%). Sediment from the Santos and São Vicente Channels, Santos Bay and the area for the disposal of dredged material are the places most affected, whereas the beaches of Guarujá and Bertioga presented low levels of toxicity. No ecotoxicological studies were found in Mongaguá, Itanhaém or Peruíbe cities.Downloads
Research Articles
How to Cite
Review Of Ecotoxicological Studies Of The Marine And Estuarine Environments Of The Baixada Santista (São Paulo, Brazil). (2014). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 62(2), 133-147.