Notes on different representations of the jewish immigrant in hacer la América and in the trilogía de entre ríos


  • Fernanda Palo Prado Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



Jewish gaúchos, Immigrants, Representation


This presentation aims to discuss two representations of the figure of the Jewish immigrant: one of them is in Hacer la América (1984), a novel by Pedro Orgambide and the other is in the Trilogia de Entre Ríos (2006) by Perla Suez, mainly through the shortstory “El arresto”. The questions that mobilize this proposal are: how does each of these texts build its view of the Jewish colonies on the Argentine coast? How does each of them relate to the image of the Jewish gaucho, built by Gerchunoff? How does each one explore the issues of foreignness and memory? How do these gauchos and Jews go to the city? And finally, how are the tensions and violence related to the group of Jewish immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century in Argentina narrated?


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Author Biography

  • Fernanda Palo Prado, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas

    Doutoranda de Pós Graduação em História Social.


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How to Cite

Prado, F. P. (2020). Notes on different representations of the jewish immigrant in hacer la América and in the trilogía de entre ríos. Cadernos De Língua E Literatura Hebraica, 18, 17-35.