Evaluation of sealing between abutment and inner connection of cone morse dental implant

microgaps between implant and abutment


  • Derivaldo Moura Gois Filho Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
  • Vanessa Tavares de Gois-Santos Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
  • Ronaldo Santos Silva Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
  • Antônio Carlos Marqueti Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
  • Arthur Rodriguez Gonzalez Cortes Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
  • Cleverson Luciano Trento Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, SE, Brazil




Introduction: The adaptation of prostheses fixed over implants involves biomechanical aspects that are directly associated with treatment success. Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the presence of microgaps in the abutment/inner connection interface of cone morse dental implants. Materials and methods: Two groups of implants were analyzed. The first group (n = 16) employed single-manufacturer dental implants and abutments, whereas the second group (n = 16) combined multi-manufacturer materials. The sets were analyzed through scanning electron mi­croscopy, wherein microgaps between the implant connection and the abutment were observed. Results: Group 1 had an average microgap of 5.69 μm (SD ± 8.46 μm). Group 2 had an average microgap of 1.24 μm (SD ± 0.44 μm). A significant difference was found between the two groups (p = 0.002). Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, results suggest that the group formed by multi-manufacturer implants and abutments (group 2) had smaller microgap values, and, therefore, a higher in vitro adaptation of components.

DESCRIPTORS | Dental Implants; Dental Abutments; Scanning Electron Microscopy.


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How to Cite

Gois Filho, D. M., Gois-Santos, V. T. de, Silva, R. S., Marqueti, A. C., Cortes, A. R. G., & Trento, C. L. (2018). Evaluation of sealing between abutment and inner connection of cone morse dental implant: microgaps between implant and abutment. Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2357-8041.clrd.2018.147797