Maxillary canines impaction potential: a radiographic study


  • Ana Paula de Almeida Gomes Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
  • Camila Gobbi de Carvalho Barbosa Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
  • Pedro Augusto Peixoto Bittencourt Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda
  • Roberta Mansur-Caetano Centro universitário de Volta Redonda



Canine tooth, Tooth impacted, Radiography panoramic


Objectives: Review the literature on radiographic predictors and extraction of the deciduous canine to intercept impaction of the upper permanent canine, and subsequently, evaluate a sample. Methods: Literature review and observational study using radiographic predictors, in horizontal and angular direction, in a sample of 10 orthodontic patients, with a radiographic follow-up of one case. Results: The extraction of primary canine with the objective of redirecting the eruptive path of the successor element is indicated when it is located, by panoramic radiography, in sector 2 with angulation equal to or greater than 20º to 30º; in sector 3; in sector 4 with angulation equal to or less than 20º to 30º. The sample comprised an evaluation of 20 maxillary canines, 30% of which had indication for the interceptive conduct. In one of the cases, element 13 was located in sector 2 (limit with sector 3) with a 29º angulation, therefore, extraction of element 53 was performed and a year later the redirection of the eruptive path of element 13 could be identified radiographically. Conclusions: In the present sample, 30% of the canines had an indication of extraction of the deciduous predecessor, and in the accompanied case, the benefit of the interceptive procedure regarding impaction was observed.


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Author Biographies

  • Ana Paula de Almeida Gomes, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda

    Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda (UniFOA), Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil

  • Camila Gobbi de Carvalho Barbosa, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda

    Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda (UniFOA), Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil

  • Pedro Augusto Peixoto Bittencourt, Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda

    Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda (UniFOA), Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil

  • Roberta Mansur-Caetano, Centro universitário de Volta Redonda

    Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda (UniFOA), Volta Redonda, RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite

Gomes, A. P. de A. ., Barbosa, C. G. de C. ., Bittencourt, P. A. P. ., & Caetano, R. M. . (2021). Maxillary canines impaction potential: a radiographic study. Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry.