Removal of a broken dental needle in the pterygomandibular space using an image intensifier: two case reports


  • Paulo Rogério Corrêa Couto Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida
  • Rafael do Nascimento Silva Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida
  • Rafael de Sousa Carvalho Sabóia Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida
  • Airton Vieira Leite Segundo Faculdade de Medicina do Sertão



Needle, Fracture, Local anesthesia, Image


Introduction: Accidents and complications are elements that can occasionally be associated with the procedures realized within work dentist environment. Among some accidents related to dental practice, needle fracture during local anesthesia is noteworthy due to its rarity. Objective: This work seeks to report two cases of removal of a broken dental needle in the pterygomandibular space using an image intensifier. Material and Methods: In both cases, the accident happened during an inferior alveolar nerve block. The surgeons requested image exams to locate the objects using general anesthesia. In the surgery, a transoral incision was made to remove the broken needle from the pterygomandibular space, guided by an image intensifier. Results: Both surgeries were a success. The broken needles were found quickly with the use of the image intensifier, and no postoperative complications were observed. Conclusion: The correct assessment of fractured dental position is essential for its removal. The use of the image intensifier has been showing advantages, such as offering fast transoperative dynamic images and at different angles, thus providing opportunity for calmer surgery and with less risk for the patient and the operator.


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Author Biographies

  • Paulo Rogério Corrêa Couto, Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida

    Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida ASCES-UNITA, Caruaru, PE, Brazil

  • Rafael do Nascimento Silva, Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida

    Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida ASCES-UNITA, Caruaru, PE, Brazil

  • Rafael de Sousa Carvalho Sabóia, Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida

    Sabóia Centro Universitário Tabosa de Almeida ASCES-UNITA, Caruaru, PE, Brazil

  • Airton Vieira Leite Segundo, Faculdade de Medicina do Sertão

    Faculdade de Medicina do Sertão, Caruaru, PE, Brazil


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Case report or technical report

How to Cite

Couto, P. R. C. ., Silva, R. do N. ., Sabóia, R. de S. C., & Leite Segundo, A. V. . . (2021). Removal of a broken dental needle in the pterygomandibular space using an image intensifier: two case reports. Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry.