A evolução da educação midiática no Reino Unido: algumas lições da história
Educação midiática no Reino Unido, pensamento educacional, currículo escolar, ensino.Resumo
A educação midiática no Reino Unido possui uma longa história, e tem sido um elemento constante no currículo escolar por cerca de 25 anos. No entanto, essa temática tem enfrentado desafios crescentes na última década. Nesse artigo, pretendemos explicar esses desenvolvimentos, não menos importantes, na esperança de que os educadores espanhóis possam evitar alguns dos obstáculos que temos encontrado. Ao fazê-lo, esperamos apresentar a história da educação midiática não apenas como uma sucessão de ideias, mas também para explicar por que determinadas abordagens educacionais surgiram em circunstâncias históricas particulares.
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_______________ COLLINS, R. and DONALD, J. The Screen Education Reader London: Routledge, 1993
_______________GUTCH, R. and WOLLEN, T. Learning the Media London: MacMillan, 1987.
ARNOLD, M. Culture and Anarchy Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1867/2009.
BALL, S. The Education Debate Bristol: Policy Press, 2013.
BAZALGETTE, C. (ed.) Primary Media Education: A Curriculum Statement London: British Film Institute, 1989.
BOWKER, J. (ed.) Secondary Media Education: A Curriculum Statement London: British Film Institute, 1991
BUCKINGHAM, D. After the Death of Childhood: Growing Up in the Age of Electronic Media Cambridge: Polity, 2000
_________________ Media Education: Literacy, Learning and Contemporary Culture Cambridge: Polity, 2003
__________________ Beyond Technology: Children’s Learning in the Age of Digital Culture Cambridge: Polity, 2007
__________________ ‘The future of media literacy in the digital age: some challenges for policy and practice’, in Verniers, P. (ed.) Media Literacy in Europe: Controversies, Challenges and Perspectives Brussels: Euromeduc, 2009.
__________________ ‘Do we really need media education 2.0? Teaching media in the age of participatory culture’, pp. 287-304 in K. Drotner and K. Schroder (eds.) Digital Content Creation New York: Peter Lang, 2010.
___________________ ‘The success and failure of media education’, Media Education Research Journal 4(2): 5-18, 2013.
HALL, S. and Whannel, P. The Popular Arts London: Hutchinson, 1964.
HOGGART, R. The Uses of Literacy London: Chatto and Windus, 1959.
LEAVIS, F. and THOMPSON, D.Culture and Environment London: Chatto and Windus, 1933.
LUSTED, D.'A history of suspicion', in Lusted, D. and Drummond, P. (eds.) TV and Schooling London: British Film Institute, 1985.
MASTERMAN, L. Teaching About Television London: Macmillan, 1980.
_______________ Teaching the Media London: Comedia, 1985.
WALLIS, R. and Buckingham, D.‘Arming the citizen-consumer: the invention of “media literacy” within UK communications policy’, European Journal of Communication 28:5, 527-540, 2013.
WILLIAMS, R. Culture and Society London: Chatto and Windus, 1958.
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