Estudos de recepção para a crítica da comunicação


  • Roseli Aparecida Fígaro Paulino Universidade de São Paulo / Escola de Comunicações e Artes



mediation, school, reception studies, culture, subject


The author proposes thinking communication from reception in order to better understand the role of the means of communication in contemporary society's life, how they work on social group day-to-day life, in the different communities and cultures, also leaving to the side the all-powerful emitter opposition versus passive receptor or, on the other hand, neutral emitter versus all-powerful receptor/consumer. It criticizes the posture that reveals to be both apocalyptic and integrated in the analysis of the power of the means of communication and defends the break of international efficacy by recovering culture, by democratizing the ownership of the means of communication vehicles. It considers communication as a social and cultural mediation process. The article concludes situating the school as a social mediator, especially relative to the means of communication, which gives great importance to the reception process.


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How to Cite

Paulino, R. A. F. (2000). Estudos de recepção para a crítica da comunicação. Comunicação & Educação, 17, 37-42.