Moving into XXI century: soap opera, a perennial gender


  • Marcia Perecin Tondato



Communication, Telenovela, Television, Audience.


In this text I present production/exhibition of telenovelas from a broad point of view at the end of the rst decade of the XXI century, characterized by the presence of technology, supporting new configurations of narrative interactions (convergence, transmedia). And what is the position of telenovelas in this context? What changes and what remains? The forms of seeing, commenting and interacting change. The taste for emotion, ction that touches reality remains, but a kind of reality that is fantastic and idealistic. Coloring the end of exhaustive days. For the ones who like or for who do not like(but watch), telenovelas keep on being the synthesis of society dynamic. A synthesis that enlarges the possibilities of having a lifetime full of emotion, being able to recognize an identity that joins us, even in face of differences.


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Author Biography

  • Marcia Perecin Tondato
    Doutora em Comunicação e docente do Programa de Mestrado em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo (PPGCOM) na Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing.



How to Cite

Tondato, M. P. (2012). Moving into XXI century: soap opera, a perennial gender. Comunicação & Educação, 17(2), 101-110.