On the object of a functional semiology: towards a typology of indices





Luis J. Prieto, Georges Mounin, Eric Buyssens, Sign typology, Communication, Signification


The article touches upon two problems that arose in the development of semiology in the second half of the twentieth century, namely: (1) the debate over the proper object of semiology: signification or communication? and (2) the problem of how a typology of indices (indications), which underlies the conception of the proper object of semiology, can be established. In order to tackle these problems, the article restricts itself to a treatment of the works by the main representatives of a functional semiology, to wit, Georges Mounin, Eric Buyssens and Luis Prieto. Especially the works of Prieto are used to unravel a typology of indices that ultimately allows to conceive the object of a specific semiology of signification and to clearly present its aims.


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Biografia do Autor

  • Eugenio Israel Chávez Barreto, Palacký University

    Lecturer of Phonology and History of Linguistics at the Department of General Linguistics, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.


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