The power of new territorialities: a theoretical-practical case of MST and MSTC


  • Pedro Henrique de Barros Gabriel Andrade Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos de Cultura e Comunicação
  • Juliana Teixeira de Oliveira Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos de Cultura e Comunicação



Territorialities, Social movements, Latin America, Territory, MST, MSTC


This article develops an essay on the practices of two Brazilian social movements: Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST) and Movement of Homeless Workers of the Center (MSTC) based on the concepts of authors Boaventura Souza-Santos (2011), Milton Santos (2020), Porto-Gonçalves (2001) and Raúl Zibechi (2007a; 2007b). The objective is to understand the proposals made by these movements for the creation of new territorialities and the use of the territory perspective to resist the predatory advance of neoliberalism. Based on testimonies given by a member and a gilding member of the MST, and with contents of the movements available on their official websites, the theoretical concepts were contrasted with the practices, in order to understand how these dialogue and how the movements create new anti-capitalist  and anti hegemonic territorialities.


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Author Biographies

  • Pedro Henrique de Barros Gabriel Andrade , Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos de Cultura e Comunicação

    Postgraduate student in Media, Information and Culture at CELACC-USP. Journalist graduated from
    Ponta Grossa State University (UEPG).

  • Juliana Teixeira de Oliveira, Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos de Cultura e Comunicação

    Postgraduate student in Media, Information and Culture at CELACC-USP. Graduated in Communication
    Social - Hab. Publicity and Propaganda by the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR).


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SANTOS, Milton. Por uma outra globalização: do pensamento único à consciência universal. 31ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2020.

SOUSA SANTOS, Boaventura de: “Introducción: las epistemologías del Sur” in CIDOB (org.), Formas-Otras. Saber, nombrar, narrar, hacer. Barcelona: CIDOB Ediciones, p. 9-22, 2011. TAVARES, Thea. Defender o Maria Rosa do Contestado é reafirmar nossa humanidade. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 out. 2021.

ZIBECHI, Raúl. Autonomías y emancipaciones: América Latina en movimiento. Lima: 2007a.

ZIBECHI, Raúl. Territorios en resistencia: cartografía política de las periferias urbanas latinoamericanas. 1a ed. - Buenos Aires: Lavaca Editora, 2007b.



How to Cite

Andrade, P. H. de B. G., & Oliveira, J. T. de. (2022). The power of new territorialities: a theoretical-practical case of MST and MSTC. Revista Extraprensa, 15(Especial), 520-531.