On the Ontological Character of Science: Possible Contributions of Nicolai Hartmann to a Problem of Speculative Realism


  • Eduardo Nasser Universidade Federal do ABC




science, correlativism, speculative realism, mathematics, ontology


Quentin Meillassoux, one of the most promising names of the speculative realism, intellectual tendency of our time that characterizes an option to the legacy of modern philosophy, establishes that the correlationism (Corrélationisme) can only be discouraged when the problem of ancestrality is seriously confronted and the ontological prestige of the mathematical discourse, science’s idiom, is recovered. In the past century, Nicolai Hartmann proposed something similar, pointing to a weakening of correlativism (Korrelativismus) caused by the scientific attitude. However, differently from Meillassoux, Hartmann understands that the value of science to ontology does not lie in the aptitude of mathematizing discourse, but in the amplification of intuitivity and unveiling of categories.


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How to Cite

Nasser, E. (2018). On the Ontological Character of Science: Possible Contributions of Nicolai Hartmann to a Problem of Speculative Realism. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 23(2), 67-79. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2318-9800.v23i2p67-79