Interrogating Western Modernity: Postcolonial Reflections on Occidental Claims and Action


  • Ina Kerner University of Koblenz-Landau



teorias pós e decoloniais, desconstrução, humanismo, modernidade ocidental, esclarecimento


This paper deals with the way in which European modernity, and the West more generally, are reflected upon in the field of post- and decolonial theories, which generally question those representations of the European/Western tradition of thought and politics that only focus on their positive aspects, but differ greatly with regard to the way in which they frame and formulate their critique of this tradition. I discuss three major positions in this field. They are characterized by the rejection of Western modernity (Walter Mignolo), by a deconstruction of core text and principles of the European Enlightenment (Gayatri Spivak), and by attempts at a renewal and hence a radicalization of some of its core normative claims, particularly humanism (Achille Mbembe).



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Como Citar

Kerner, I. (2018). Interrogating Western Modernity: Postcolonial Reflections on Occidental Claims and Action. Cadernos De Filosofia Alemã: Crítica E Modernidade, 23(2), 35-52.