The Unity of Aristotle’s Metaphysics

Book Ε According to the Interpretation of the Ancient Commentators


  • Rita Salis University of Padua



Aristotle, metaphysics, unity of metaphysics, unmoved mover


This paper discusses the three ancient commentaries on Book E of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, that have been handed down to us. It aims to demonstrate the fundamental part played by their particular interpretation of Aristotle’s doctrines in the birth of the traditional interpretation of his Metaphysics, according to which all the books comprising the work were written as a function of Book Λ, containing the well-known doctrine of the unmoved mover. Among the main elements supporting this assumption there is Aristotle’s distinction between three types of science - the theoretical, the practical and the productive - and his claiming the primacy of metaphysics as a theological science. According to the ancient commentators, the remainder of Book E would belong to the unitary project of the Metaphysics, since it would indicate what is not encompassed in the object of metaphysics. This would mean that Aristotle’s treatment of accidental being, being as truth and not-being as falsity, and being potentially and actually would take on a negative function. The theological interpretation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics thus retains its ultimate foundations in premises contained in the Aristotelian text itself



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How to Cite

Salis, R. (2018). The Unity of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: Book Ε According to the Interpretation of the Ancient Commentators. Journal of Ancient Philosophy, 12(2), 89-132.