Print media in digital age: creativity as e-learning tool


  • Gustavo Orlando Fudaba Curcio Universidade de São Paulo
  • Fernanda Sarmento Barata Universidade de São Paulo
  • Claudia Dayé Universidade de São Paulo



Printed design, graphic design, printing techniques


The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the relationship between teachers and students. Consolidated and proven effective pedagogical strategies were adapted in a short time. This article describes the once-unlikely experience of teaching printing techniques to undergraduate graphic designers remotely. The experiment was conducted by two professors with consistent expertise in editorial printed design, Dr. Gustavo Curcio and Dr. Fernanda Sarmento, and assisted by Claudia Dayé. A class of fifty-five students, organised into small groups of four to five students, performed a series of practical exercises monitored by the university's Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (moodle). This paper describes the successful articulation of students' practice, technique and creative stimulation.


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CURCIO, Gustavo O. F; BARATA, Fernanda S; DAYÉ, Claudia. Print media in digital age: creativity as e-learning tool. Interfaces da Comunicação, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, 2023, p. 1-10.






Artigos Científicos

Como Citar

Print media in digital age: creativity as e-learning tool . (2023). Interfaces Da Comunicação, 1(2), 24-33.