In vitro characterization of a novel resin-based restorative material containing alkaline fillers
Polymers, Acid-base, Bioactive, Glass ionomer, Composite resins, AlkasiteAbstract
Objective: In this study, a comparative evaluation of the physicochemical properties of Cention N and other direct restorative materials was performed. Three restorative materials—a resin-modified glass ionomer (Fuji II LC), an alkasite-based resinous material (Cention N), and a resin composite (Tetric N Ceram)—were characterized in terms of degree of conversion, Knoop hardness number (KHN) ratio, flexural strength, elastic modulus, water sorption, water solubility, microshear bond strength to dentin, immediate microleakage, and radiopacity. Methodology: The microshear bond strength to dentin and microleakage of Cention N were evaluated with and without the application of an adhesive system (Tetric N Bond Universal). A one-way ANOVA test was used to analyze the data in terms of degree of conversion, KHN ratio, water sorption, water solubility, microshear bond strength to dentin, and radiopacity. A two-way ANOVA test (carried out considering the material type and ethanol aging as factors) was used to analyze the data in terms of flexural strength and elastic modulus. The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to statistically analyze the data on microleakage. A significance level of α=0.05 was used for all tests. Results: Fuji II LC was found to have the highest degree of conversion, water sorption, and microleakage, as well as the lowest flexural strength. Cention N had the highest solubility; when used with an adhesive system, it achieved bond strength and microleakage similar to those of the Tetric N Ceram composite. Tetric N Ceram had the highest degree of conversion, KHN ratio, and radiopacity. Conclusion: The properties of Cention N validate its efficacy as an alternative direct restorative material when used in conjunction with an adhesive system.
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