Implications of the health information pollution for society, health professionals, and science




Access to information, Disinformation, Information-seeking behavior, Science, Social media


In the era of ultra-connectivity, the proliferation of speculative notions driven by personal emotions eclipses the credibility of scientific evidence. This trend has led to an alarming surge in information pollution, particularly by the pervasive influence of social media platforms. Consequently, this overflow of falsehoods poses a significant threat to public health and overall societal well-being. In this sense, this critical review aims to present the harmful impacts of the health information pollution on society, health professionals, and health science, as well as strategies for their mitigation. The management of information pollution requires coordinated efforts to develop and implement multiple effective preventive and debunking strategies, such as the regulation of big tech companies’ actions and algorithm data transparency, the education of health professionals on responsible social media use, and the establishment of a novel academic culture, shifting from the valorization of productivism to socially relevant scientific production. By acknowledging the complexities of this contemporary issue and drawing insights from distinct perspectives, it is possible to safeguard the integrity of information dissemination and foster a more informed and resilient community.


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How to Cite

Lotto, M., Jorge, O. S., Cruvinel, A., & Cruvinel, T. (2024). Implications of the health information pollution for society, health professionals, and science. Journal of Applied Oral Science, 32, e20240222.