Sealing capacity produced by some materials when utilized under furcation perforations of extract human molars


  • Ulisses Xavier da Silva Neto PUC-PR
  • Ivaldo Gomes de Moraes USP; FOB; Departamento de Dentística, Endodontia e Materiais Dentários



Marginal leakage, Dye, Dental materials


It has been evaluated in vitro the sealing capacity of MTA-Angelus, ProRoot-MTA, Super-EBA and MBP-c when sealing furcal perforations of extracted human molars. The experiment took place with materials both isolated as well as in association with a plaster of Paris matrix applied at the bottom of the perfuration path. The materials sealing capacity was analyzed by dye leakage of rhodamine B 0,2%.The statistical analysis revealed that when isolated and tested (without the matrix), the cement MBP-c presented the smallest coefficient of marginal leakage, followed by the Super-EBA. There was a statistical significance between those and the cements ProRoot - MTA e MTA - Angelus (p<0,001). In the presence of the matrix, the cement MBP-c also had a superior performance having statistical significance between those and the cements ProRoot - MTA e MTA - Angelus (p<0,05); The Plaster of Paris matrix had a negative impact with statistical significance regarding the sealing capacity of the cements Super-EBA and the MBP-c (p<0,05). Nevertheless, it avoided the leakage of the respective sealing materials.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Silva Neto, U. X. da, & Moraes, I. G. de. (2003). Sealing capacity produced by some materials when utilized under furcation perforations of extract human molars . Journal of Applied Oral Science, 11(1), 27-33.