Evaluation of radioprotective effect of carnosine (beta- alanyl-1- histidine) on the wound healing in rats


  • Rosana Aramaki Tanaka State University of Campinas; Dental School; Department of Oral Diagnosis
  • Flávia Maria de Moraes Ramos State University of Campinas; Dental School; Department of Oral Diagnosis
  • Solange Maria de Almeida State University of Campinas; Dental School; Department of Oral Diagnosis
  • Mário Roberto Vizioli State University of Campinas; Dental School; Department of Oral Diagnosis
  • Frab Norberto Bóscolo State University of Campinas; Dental School; Department of Oral Diagnosis




Radiation, ionizing, Radiation-protective agents, Carnosine, Wound healing


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radioprotective effect of carnosine (beta- alanyl-1-histidine) on the wound healing in rats. Therefore, 48 male rats were submitted to a surgical procedure to perform a rectangular wound in the anterior-dorsal region. The animals were divided into 4 experimental groups randomly chosen: control; irradiated; carnosine irradiated and carnosine group. The irradiated and carnosine irradiated group were exposed to a dose (6Gy) of gamma irradiation, in the whole body, 72 hours after surgery. The carnosine and carnosine irradiated groups, in addition to the surgical procedure and the irradiation, received two doses of carnosine aqueous solution, the first one being injected 48 hours after surgery, and the second one 1 hour and 30 minutes before irradiation. The tissue repair of the 4 groups was evaluated at 4, 7, 14, and 21 days after inflicting the wound, by morphological, histochemical and histophysical methods. At all examined periods, it could be observed that the animals from the carnosine irradiated group presented a better developed granulation tissue than the irradiated group and closely similar to that of the control group. Thus, under the experimental conditions used, it was possible to conclude that carnosine is an effective radioprotective substance.







Original Articles

How to Cite

Tanaka, R. A., Ramos, F. M. de M., Almeida, S. M. de, Vizioli, M. R., & Bóscolo, F. N. (2005). Evaluation of radioprotective effect of carnosine (beta- alanyl-1- histidine) on the wound healing in rats . Journal of Applied Oral Science, 13(3), 253-258. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-77572005000300010