Macroscopic and microscopic study of tissue response to oral antiseptics and its influence on carcinigenesis


  • Camila Lopes Cardoso USP; Bauru Dental School; Department of Stomatology
  • Renata Falchete do Prado USP; Bauru Dental School; Department of Stomatology
  • Luís Antônio de Assis Taveira USP; Bauru Dental School; Department of Stomatology



Alcohol, Oral antiseptics, Carcinogenesis


Studies have related the action of alcohol on the oral mucosa as a promoter of carcinogenesis, once most oral antiseptics contain alcohol. Its utilization for mouthrinses from 30 to 60 seconds, as indicated on the labels, yields a longer-lasting topical action when compared to the intake of alcoholic beverages. This study aimed at conducting a macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the tissue response of tongue mucosa of hamsters to daily topical applications of antiseptics (Anapyon, Listerine, Oral B) during 13 and 20 weeks, following the methodology for carcinogenesis investigation developed by the Discipline of Pathology of Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo. After sacrificing the animals, their tongues were removed and fixed on 10% formalin. Macroscopic examination did not reveal significant alterations, and the specimens were processed by routine histotechnical procedures for HE staining. Three serial sections of each tongue were evaluated, and characteristics related to epithelial hyperkeratinization, atrophy, hyperplasia and dysplasia were organized in tables. Despite the observation for moderate dysplasia in one case in the Anapyon 20 week group, the further results were very similar to the control group (saline solution), eliminating the need of comparative statistical tests. By means of such methodology for testing the carcinogenesis-initiating action, it was concluded that oral antiseptics are unable to trigger the development of neoplasms.







Original Articles

How to Cite

Cardoso, C. L., Prado, R. F. do, & Taveira, L. A. de A. (2005). Macroscopic and microscopic study of tissue response to oral antiseptics and its influence on carcinigenesis . Journal of Applied Oral Science, 13(3), 286-290.