Study on the origin and nature of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor by immunohistochemistry


  • Marcelo Macedo Crivelini State University; School of Dentistry; Department of Oral Pathology
  • Ana Maria Pires Soubhia State University; School of Dentistry; Department of Oral Pathology
  • Renata Callestini Felipini State University; School of Dentistry; Department of Oral Pathology



Odontogenic neoplasms, Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, Immunohistochemistry


The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) is a clinically benign lesion. Discussions about the AOT hamartomatous or neoplastic nature, and the probable odontogenic epithelial cell it originates from still exist. This research aimed to study and discuss the subject by the immunohistochemical detection of cytokeratins, laminin, collagen IV, PCNA and p53 in 8 tumor samples and 8 dental follicle samples containing reduced enamel epithelium. The results have shown that CK14 labelling indicated differentiation grades for secreting ameloblasts or ameloblasts in the post-secreting stage in the adenomatoid structure of AOT. Laminin, found on the luminal surface of adenomatoid structures, was compatible with the reduced enamel epithelium during the "protective stage of amelogenesis". PCNA specifically labelled the spindled areas and peripheral cords of the AOT, indicating that these areas are responsible for tumor growth. After considerations about pathogenesis, the authors suggested that the nature of AOT is hamartomatous with histogenesis from the reduced enamel epithelium.


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How to Cite

Study on the origin and nature of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumor by immunohistochemistry . (2005). Journal of Applied Oral Science, 13(4), 406-412.