Airpolishing effect on bovine enamel and the posterior remineralizing effect of saliva: estudo in vitro


  • Helena Zaramella Vono Ribeiro University of Sao Paulo; Bauru School of Dentistry; Department of Pediatric Dentistry
  • José Eduardo de Oliveira Lima University of Sao Paulo; Bauru School of Dentistry; Department of Pediatric Dentistry
  • Bernardo Gonzalez Vono University of Sao Paulo; Bauru School of Dentistry; Department of Pediatric Dentistry
  • Maria Aparcida de Andrade Moreira Machado University of Sao Paulo; Bauru School of Dentistry; Department of Pediatric Dentistry
  • Salete Moura Bonifácio da Silva University of Sao Paulo; Bauru School of Dentistry; Department of Pediatric Dentistry



Airpolishing, Tooth abrasion, Microhardness, Tooth remineralization


PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the alterations of surface microhardness and wear caused by the sodium bicarbonate jet on bovine enamel and the further remineralizing effect of artificial saliva. METHODS: Fifteen enamel samples (4,0mm x 4,0mm) were used, which constituted the groups: no treatment (MI); treatment with sodium bicarbonate jet (MII and DI); treatment with sodium bicarbonate jet and immersion in saliva for one hour (MIII and DII), 24 hours (MIV and DIII) and 7 days (MV and DIV). Microhardness tests were carried out using a microdurometer in groups M and wear tests by a rugosimeter in groups D. The data were assessed by the one criterion variance analysis and Tukey test. RESULTS: The mean value of microhardness, in KHN, in groups MI, MII, MIII, MIV and MV were 359,80; 335,46; 369,20; 377,73 and 341,86, respectively, whereas the mean values in µm, of wear for group DI, DII, DIII and DIV were 0,564; 0,519; 0,441 and 0,428, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The sodium bicarbonate jet caused a wear and a reduction in microhardness on the enamel surface; saliva promoted the recovery of initial condition surface microhardness and reduced the wear; the repairing effect of saliva on the surface microhardness alterations occurred within one hour of treatment, having no significant statistical difference from the effect obtained in 24 hours; the best saliva repairing effect on the wear occurred with treatment of 24 hours.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, H. Z. V., Lima, J. E. de O., Vono, B. G., Machado, M. A. de A. M., & Silva, S. M. B. da. (2006). Airpolishing effect on bovine enamel and the posterior remineralizing effect of saliva: estudo in vitro . Journal of Applied Oral Science, 14(3), 193-197.