Surgical crown lengthening: a 12-month study - radiographic results


  • Daniela Eleutério Diniz University of São Paulo; Dental School of Bauru; Department of Periodontology
  • Kalizia Marcela Okuda University of São Paulo; Dental School of Bauru; Department of Periodontology
  • Clarissa Ribeiro Fonseca University of São Paulo; Dental School of Bauru; Department of Periodontology
  • Marly Kimie Sonohara Gonzalez State University of Maringá; Department of Dentistry
  • Sebastião Luiz Aguiar Greghi University of São Paulo; Dental School of Bauru; Department of Periodontology
  • Accácio Lins do Valle University of São Paulo; Dental School of Bauru; Department of Prosthodontics
  • José Roberto Pereira Lauris University of São Paulo; Dental School of Bauru; Department of Pediatrics, Orthodontics and Public Health



Oral surgical procedures, Wound healing, Bitewing radiography


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to perform a radiographic follow-up evaluation after a 12-month healing period, following crown lengthening surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-three periodontally healthy subjects (mean age 32.5 years) that required crown lengthening surgery in premolars were recruited. In a total of 30 premolars, full thickness flaps, osseous resection, and flap suturing were performed. The restorative margin was defined in the pre-surgical phase and maintained unaltered during the healing period, serving as a reference point. Standardized bitewing radiographs were taken before and after osseous reduction, and at 2, 3, 6, and 12-month healing periods. RESULTS: Intact lamina dura was observed at both mesial and distal alveolar crests only from the 3rd month. At 12-months, all alveolar crests presented lamina dura. The overall mean distance from the restorative margin to the alveolar crest achieved after osseous resection was 3.28±0.87 mm at mesial and 2.81±0.51 mm at distal sites. No significant radiographic changes in the bone crest were observed during a 12-month healing period. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggest that the radiographic proximal bone level observed on bitewing radiographs following crown lengthening surgery can be used as a reference to predict the future level of the healed alveolar crest.







Original Articles

How to Cite

Diniz, D. E., Okuda, K. M., Fonseca, C. R., Gonzalez, M. K. S., Greghi, S. L. A., Valle, A. L. do, & Lauris, J. R. P. (2007). Surgical crown lengthening: a 12-month study - radiographic results . Journal of Applied Oral Science, 15(4), 280-284.