Effect of experimental chewing on masticatory muscle pain onset


  • Paulo César Rodrigues Conti University of São Paulo; Bauru School of Dentistry; Department of Prosthodontics
  • Rafael dos Santos Silva State University of Maringá; Department of Dentistry
  • Carlos dos Reis Pereira de Araujo University of São Paulo; Department of Prosthodontics
  • Leylha Maria N. Rosseti University of São Paulo; Department of Prosthodontics
  • Shigueharu Yassuda University of São Paulo; Department of Prosthodontics
  • Renato Oliveira Ferreira da Silva University of São Paulo; Department of Prosthodontics
  • Luiz Fernando Pegoraro University of São Paulo; Department of Prosthodontics




Myofascial pain syndromes, Chewing, Palpation


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of a chewing exercise on pain intensity and pressure-pain threshold in patients with myofascial pain. METHODS: Twenty-nine consecutive women diagnosed with myofascial pain (MFP) according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria comprised the experimental group and 15 healthy age-matched female were used as controls. Subjects were asked to chew a gum stick for 9 min and to stay at rest for another 9 min afterwards. Pain intensity was rated on a visual analog scale (VAS) every 3 min. At 0, 9 and 18 min, the pressure-pain threshold (PPT) was measured bilaterally on the masseter and the anterior, medium, and posterior temporalis muscles. RESULTS: Patients with myofascial pain reported increase (76%) and no change (24%) on the pain intensity measured with the VAS. A reduction of the PPT at all muscular sites after the exercise and a non-significant recovery after rest were also observed. CONCLUSION: The following conclusions can be drawn: 1. there are at least two subtypes of patients with myofascial pain that respond differently to experimental chewing; 2. the chewing protocol had an adequate discriminative ability in distinguishing patients with myofascial pain from healthy controls.







Original Articles

How to Cite

Conti, P. C. R., Silva, R. dos S., Araujo, C. dos R. P. de, Rosseti, L. M. N., Yassuda, S., Silva, R. O. F. da, & Pegoraro, L. F. (2011). Effect of experimental chewing on masticatory muscle pain onset . Journal of Applied Oral Science, 19(1), 34-40. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1678-77572011000100008