Platelet-rich plasma plus bioactive glass in the treatment of intra-bony defects: a study in dogs


  • Marcelo Diniz Carvalho State University of Amazonas; Dental School of Manaus; Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics; Division of Periodontics
  • Fabrícia Ferreira Suaid University of Campinas; Piracicaba Dental School; Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics; Division of Periodontics
  • Mauro Pedrine Santamaria University of Campinas; Piracicaba Dental School; Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics; Division of Periodontics
  • Marcio Zaffalon Casati University of Campinas; Piracicaba Dental School; Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics; Division of Periodontics
  • Francisco Humberto Nociti Jr. University of Campinas; Piracicaba Dental School; Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics; Division of Periodontics
  • Antonio Wilson Sallum University of Campinas; Piracicaba Dental School; Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics; Division of Periodontics
  • Enilson Antônio Sallum University of Campinas; Piracicaba Dental School; Department of Prosthodontics and Periodontics; Division of Periodontics



Periodontal diseases, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Regeneration, Dogs


OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to evaluate, histomorphometrically, the association of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and bioactive glass (BG) in the treatment of periodontal intrabony defects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Nine mongrel dogs were included in the study. Three-wall intrabony defects were surgically created at the mesial and distal aspect of first mandibular molar and exposed to plaque accumulation for 1 month. The defects were randomly assigned to the groups: control, BG, PRP, PRP+BG. Dogs were sacrificed 90 days after the surgeries. The histometric parameters evaluated were: length of sulcular and junctional epithelium, connective tissue adaptation, new cementum, new bone, defect extension and area of new bone filling the defect. RESULTS: A superior area of new bone was observed in PRP+BG and BG (13.80±2.32 mm² and 15.63±2.64 mm², respectively) when compared to the other groups (8.19±1.46 mm² and 8.81±1.47 mm² for control and PRP, respectively). No statistically significant differences were observed in the remaining parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limits of this study, it may be concluded that PRP failed to provide statistically significant improvements in the histometric parameters.







Original Articles

How to Cite

Carvalho, M. D., Suaid, F. F., Santamaria, M. P., Casati, M. Z., Nociti Jr., F. H., Sallum, A. W., & Sallum, E. A. (2011). Platelet-rich plasma plus bioactive glass in the treatment of intra-bony defects: a study in dogs . Journal of Applied Oral Science, 19(1), 82-89.