Maturational stages: comparison of growth and physical capacity indicators in adolescents
testosterone, estradiol, muscle strength, physical aptitudeResumo
Introduction: The identification of physical capacity is an important marker related to healthy behavior during childhood and adolescence, in which some factors appear to contribute to motor performance such as maturation and hormonal levels.
Objective: To compare growth indicators, physical capacity and hormonal markers according to gender and maturational stage in adolescents.
Methods: Eighty-nine adolescents of both genders aged 10-13 years participated in the study. Sexual maturation was evaluated using the Tanner’s self-evaluation method. Physical capacity (explosive strength of upper and lower limbs, upper limb velocity and agility) and hormonal markers (testosterone and estradiol) were evaluated through the chemiluminescence method.
Results: In the comparison by gender, girls had higher weight (p = 0.023), height (p = 0.018) and fat percentage values (p = 0.001), while boys presented better motor performance for the explosive strength of upper limbs (p = 0.005) and lower limbs (p = 0.011), agility (0.018) and upper limb velocity (p = 0.014). Regarding maturational stage, boys did not present differences in any variable analyzed; (Stage V versus I), height (stage III, IV and V versus I) and upper limb explosive strength (stage III and IV versus I).
Conclusion: Growth, weight and height, as well as explosive strength of upper limbs were higher in girls at more advanced maturational stages and appear to be gender dependent.
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