Portuguese translation and Brazilian cultural adaptation of the Assessment of Burden in Chronic Venous Disease questionnaire (ABC-V)
chronic venous disease, quality of life, inquiries and questionnaires, translationResumo
Introduction: The Assessment of Burden in Chronic Venous Disease questionnaire (ABC-V) is a valuable tool for assessing the impact that chronic venous disease (CVD) has on patients’ quality of life (QL). There was a need for a translated and adapted version suitable for use in the Brazilian population. CVD is becoming a public health issue as the incidence and prevalence are high. The ABC-V can be used to collect information on patients’ QL and thus the development of a Brazilian version that facilitates research into the CVD population.
Objective: To provide translation and cultural validation of the Assessment of Burden in Chronic-Venous Disease (ABC-V) questionnaire for the Portuguese language.
Methods: The ABC-V was translated into Portuguese by two bilingual translators working independently. The translators then created a consensus version, which was translated back into English by two native English speakers. Finally all the versions were analysed by a committee of with expertise in translation and the two cultures involved. The committee produced a draft Portuguese-language version which was tested in a pilot sample of between 30 and 40 people. The committee evaluated feedback from the pilot sample on the clarity and comprehensibility of the draft version.
Results: The draft version was completed by 31 patients at the Chronic Venous Diseases Department of Padre Anchieta’s Teaching Hospital. With the analysis of the questionnaires used in the pre-test, it is possible to observe that in English, unlike Portuguese, verbs are often used in the passive tense. It also emerged that there was a need to use more colloquial terms and expressions so that the question would be easier to understand, whilst preserving the meaning of the original items. Changing the tone of the questionnaire in this way should make it more suitable for use with people from a wide range of socioeconomic levels, especially those with lower social status and less education. Because the questions are qualitative rather than quantitative they are more open to interpretation and elicit more subjective responses. This creates an additional difficulty in adapting the questionnaire for the Brazilian cultural context. The data from pilot-testing of the draft version was used to develop a translated and culturally adapted version of the ABC-V using the procedure described by Beaton et al.
Conclusion: A translated and culturally adapted version of the ABC-V suitable for use in Brazil has been developed and can be used to evaluate changes in the QL of Brazilian patients with CVD.
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