
  • Ana Lúcia M. de Rezende
  • Ilca L.K Alonso



social roles, motherhood, fatherhood, child care.


In this study we tried to outline the profile of some fathers who wanted to have participate in the task of taking care of their children. We investigated their expectations, difficulties,
gratifications, perceptions and feelings about this task. This study was carried out through an analysis of data obtained from observation sessions and from 18 interviews made with fathers,
users of a basic health unit in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina. The results showed that nowadays the men want to be more closely involved in child care; however, in many situations, the women and the professional health team are not sympathetic to this new face of fatherhood . The authors hope that this study can contribute to increase the quality of the assistance given to children under the process of growth and development, with evidence to the importance of the inclusion of fathers in children health programs; therefore, a professional reflective attitude is requested from the heath team, in their daily assistance practice.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Lúcia M. de Rezende
    Enfermeua. Doutora, Pesquisadora do CNPq, junto ao Departamento de Enfermagem da UFSC.
  • Ilca L.K Alonso
    Enfermeira, Profa. do Depto. de Enfermagem da UFSC.


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