Iron deficiency anaemia, infants, supplementation with iron, ferrous sulphate, National Program of Iron Supplementation (PNSF).Resumo
Introduction: iron deficiency occurs in endemic proportion among hildren and is one of the causal factors of inappropriate cognitive, social, motor and reduced learning ability, putting infants as a priority group for nutritional intervention programs aiming to control iron deficiency. Thus, in 2005 the Ministry of Health established the National Program of Iron Supplementation (PNSF) available for the universe of children of 6-24 months old attended in Basic Health Units. Objective: to estimate the prevalence of anaemia and analyse the efficacy of profilatic supplementation with ferrous sufate. Methods: a prospective follow-up study intervention that was developed in the city of Guarujá – SP, Brazil in the universe of children between 6-24 months old attended in the Public Basic Health Units whose parents authorized their participation. The supplement was offered in accordance with the standards of PNSF and diagnosis of anaemia was performed before and 6 months after the intervention period. As a criterion for anaemia was used the standards of the World Health Organization that defines moderate anaemia to haemoglobin (Hb) between 11.0 and 9,5gHb/dL and severe anaemia to below 9,5gHb/dL. Results: a total of 136 children under two years, (81% of total) participated in the study. No statistically significant difference was found between the mean Hb concentration before and after the intervention period (p=0.684). The initial mean Hb was 11,6g/dL (SD=1.82) and the final 11.5g/dL (SD=1.31). Although only 11 of the 49 anemic reached normal values, 33 of them showed an increase in Hb concentration. Conclusion: there was an increase in Hb concentration among children with severe anaemia. There was no change in the situation of children with moderate anaemia. Supplementation with ferrous sulphate was not sufficiently effective in controlling iron deficiency in infants.
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