
  • Cristina Carpentieri Zollner Salvador Nutritionist at the Espírito Santo state Department of Health – Vitória/ES.
  • Pedro Makumbundu Kitoko President of the Espírito Santo state Council of Food and Nutritional Security - Vitória/ES
  • Ana Maria Dianezi Gambardella Professor at the Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo.



nutritional status, sexual maturation, stunting, overweight, abdominal obesity, adolescent


Objective: To estimate prevalence and identify factors associated with the nutritional status of individuals aged 8 to 17 years old in schools located at 3 administrative regions in the city of Vitória, Brazil. Methods: The nutritional status of 400 students was assessed based on a cross-sectional study. Association between overweight and fat accumulation around waist was tested considering the variables: sexual maturaten stage, income level, number of siblings, maternal Body Mass Index (BMI) and physical activity. Individuals considered stunting had height-for-age < -2 Z-scores of median value for the reference population; wasting, those with BMI < 5th  percentile; overweight, those with BMI e” 85th percentile. Waist circumference was measured under the following parameter: percentile e” 90 of the British population. Results: Prevalence was 4.0% stunting, 4.8% wasting, 21.3% overweight and 27.3% fat accumulation around the waist. In the multiple linear model, variables associated with overweight were the following: initial and intermediate stages of sexualmaturaten, maternal BMI > 25kg/m2, and high income level. Fat accumulation around the waist was associated to the following variables: maternal BMI >25kg/m2, high income level, age < 14, and sedentary > 28 hours/week. Conclusions: Low prevalence of nutritional deficits and high prevalence of overweight and fat accumulation around the waist were found. Higher prevalence rate occurred among individuals showing the following characteristics: higher income level; overweight mother; within initial and intermediate stages of sexual maturation; bellow 14 years old; sedentary.



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