Petroleum hydrocarbons in Brazilian Northeast continental shelf waters: baseline values Br
Chrysene, Carmópolis oil, Chlorophyll, Dissolved oxygen, TurbidityAbstract
Water quality on the continental shelf off the eastern Brazilian Northeast region was investigated in two oceanographic campaigns during winter and summer, when vertical profiles of salinity, temperature, turbidity, chlorophyll and dissolved oxygen were recorded. Dissolved / dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons (DDPH) were also analyzed in sub-superficial water samples using fixed wavelength fluorescence spectroscopy methods. Shelf waters are dominated by Tropical Waters, with high salinity (> 36.5 g kg-1) and temperature (> 26 °C) and little continental influence. Turbidity was higher during winter, which may be due to the higher continental contribution and/or higher wave action. Chlorophyll was mostly < 1 µg L-1 and dissolved oxygen saturation was predominantly high (> 90%), but innermost costal stations were influenced by the Capibaribe estuary. Median DDPH concentrations were as low as 0.07 and 0.04 µg L-1 Carmópolis oil equivalents during winter and summer respectively, and 0.02 µg L-1 chrysene equivalent for both periods. An exception was observed off Suape Harbor (0.35 µg L-1 Carmópolis oil equiv. and 0.13 µg L-1 chysene equiv.), suggesting navigation activities as the main local source. The overall DDPH median of 0.06 μg L-1 Carmópolis oil equivalents and 0.02 μg L-1 chrysene equivalents are proposed as the baseline concentration for non-polluted coastal water for the tropical western Atlantic Ocean margin.
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