An analysis of meiofauna knowledge generated by Latin American researchers


  • Bernardo Baldeija
  • Diego Lercari



Meiobenthos, State of Art, Interstitial Fauna, Marine Ecosystem, Systematic Review


The study of benthic meiofauna has been undertaken in Latin America since the beginning of the 20th century, recently gaining attention due to its recognized role on the ecological functioning of meiofauna assemblages. Bibliometric data provide information regarding research results, explain the degree to which a subject has advanced, and identify its major strengths and weaknesses. In Latin American countries, this type of review is scarce for meiofauna communities. This study analyzes knowledge of marine meiofauna by focusing on the documents Latin American authors published from 1990 to 2021. Documents from three bibliographic databases were analyzed to obtain the most relevant bibliometric indicators. Moreover, the interrelationships between authors, countries, and concepts were analyzed using science mapping techniques. Latin American research on marine meiofauna has increased since the 1990s, producing a total of 399 documents over three decades by almost 1,000 authors. Brazil produced the majority of these documents (predominantly published by Brazilian authors and institutions). The number of documents by country was associated with five development indicators. Their main sources and keywords indicate that ecology, oceanography, and biogeography were the main addressed topics, especially on deep marine environments. Most productive authors were clustered into main research groups with varying degrees of links. We conclude that research efforts on marine meiofauna are gaining importance despite the small number of documents by a relatively low number of research groups. We found a high centralization of documents by countries and a relation with four indicators, such as country size and research spending. Greater regional collaboration could further expand the knowledge of marine meiofauna in Latin America.


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How to Cite

An analysis of meiofauna knowledge generated by Latin American researchers. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 72(Suppl. 1).