A drone diagnosis of the environmental quality of the restinga on the south coast of Brazil
Restinga vegetation, Unmanned aerial vehicle, Environmental management, Aerial monitoring, OrthomosaicsAbstract
Drones have proven to be versatile tools for scientific studies aimed at assessing the environmental quality
of various ecosystems. This study diagnosed the restinga vegetation in the coastal municipality of Pontal
do Paraná, in the state of Paraná, Southern Brazil. This vegetation, which extends over 21.72 km of the
coastline of the municipality, was grouped into eight sectors to optimize 27 drone flight plans. The images
obtained were transformed into orthomosaics and classified into eight classes, following the random forest
classifier: herbaceous, shrubby, arboreal, sand, degraded area, irregular construction, water, and other. We
observed 289.11 ha of restinga, of which 183.66 ha (63.5%) corresponded to conserved areas and 105.45
ha (36.5%), to a total degraded area with irregular constructions, vegetation suppression, and introduction
of exotic species. Sectors 1 and 5 showed the lowest (8.19 ha) and highest (21.00 ha) values of degraded
areas, respectively. Sectors 6 and 8 were the most critical: their degraded areas exceeded the conserved
areas of restinga by 4.15 and 3.95 ha, respectively. The main causes of the degradation n in this study refer
to irregular occupation. Drone images are a valuable tool for environmental management and vegetation
analysis of difficult-to-access sites.
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