Sediment transport trend in an erosive sandy beach: the case of Matinhos Beach, south coast of Brazil


  • David M. Luersen
  • Alexandre B. Lopes
  • Guilherme. A. S. Franz
  • Danilo Mildemberger
  • Mauricio A. Noernberg



Coastal processes, Numerical modeling, MOHID, Coastal management, Sediment transport


Sandy beaches have different shoreline change rates (i.e., erosion/accretion rates). An erosive process on
beaches poses risks for human-occupied areas. One example is Matinhos Beach (state of Paraná - Brazil),
which has an average annual erosion rate of around 1.5 m yr-1 This study applied a methodology that combines
in situ measurements and numerical modeling to simulate the physical processes in the coastal area of Matinhos
during the 2018 Austral winter. Monthly DGPS surveys were carried out in the study area from June to September.
The MOHID modeling system was applied to simulate hydrodynamics and sediment transport, considering
waves and tidal forcing validated with in situ data. The WAVEWATCH III and SWAN models were applied in a
nesting approach to simulate the waves at Matinhos Beach. The GFS was used to assess the wind conditions.
The study period showed a dynamic evolution of accretion and erosion between monthly measurements with
no clear pattern in most profiles. Significant sand accumulation was observed near the headland. Morphological
changes were minor due to the predominance of low energy without significant storm events. The measured
morphological changes are in line with the residual littoral drift obtained from the modeling results for the period.
The residual current velocities were towards the southwest, with magnitudes ranging from 0.15 m s-1 to 0.2 m s-1.
A slight variation in the angle of wave incidence (10°) may change the direction (southwest or northeast) and
intensity of the littoral drift. The applied methodology can reduce uncertainty and support effective coastal
management. However, the seasonal scales of wave climate cannot be disregarded, nor can the need for
coastal oceanographic data.


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Original Article

How to Cite

Sediment transport trend in an erosive sandy beach: the case of Matinhos Beach, south coast of Brazil. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 72(Suppl. 1).