First record of the potential invasive crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) in the Uruguayan coast


  • Irene Machado
  • Soledad Pasquariello
  • Rony Vieira
  • Danilo Calliari
  • Lorena Rodríguez-Gallego



Exotic species, Southwestern Atlantic, Estuarine crab, Zoea, ,Early detection


Abstract: Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Brachyura, Panopeidae) is a small euryhaline and eurythermal omnivorous
crab native to the Northwest Atlantic. However, it has become an invasive species in various estuaries and
coastal areas far from its original habitat, most likely due to intercontinental shipping. Once it establishes itself
in one location, it can spread to neighboring regions via maritime currents. In 1982, this species was found
in South America, specifically in Lagoa dos Patos, Brazil. In this study, we present the first record of R. harrisii
larvae in Uruguay, located in the coastal marine zone of Laguna de Rocha, approximately 300 km south of Lagoa
dos Patos. It was discovered during a study that involved 15 plankton samplings, conducted from February
2016 to February 2017. Notably, the observation of R. harrisii larvae was limited to the coastal zone during
the summer and autumn of 2016 (February to April). All observed larvae were in the zoeal stage, and their
abundance ranged from three to 185 individuals per 100 m3
. The temperature and salinity values recorded during
sampling surveys with the presence of R. harrisii ranged from 19 to 22.4 °C and 11.8-32.5 ppt, respectively.
The discovery of the larval stage suggests that adults of this species may be reproducing in the eastern coastal zone
of Uruguay or nearby regions. The area in which they are currently found could potentially serve as a biological
corridor, facilitating their spread to other estuaries of great economic and ecological importance, such as the
Río de la Plata, as well as other coastal lagoons and subestuaries in Uruguay and Argentina. Further monitoring
studies are necessary to determine whether this species became established in the area. Potential ecological
consequences in our region derived from its presence are herein discussed.


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How to Cite

First record of the potential invasive crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) in the Uruguayan coast. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 72.