Length-weight relationship of 104 demersal fish species from the continental shelf of the South Brazilian Bight captured in bottom trawl shrimp nets


  • Gabriel Domingues de Melo
  • Henry Louis Spach
  • Johnatas Adelir-Alves
  • Pedro Carlos Pinheiro
  • Marcelo Soeth




Reproducible analysis, Linear regression, Alpha parameter, Beta parameter


This study encompasses the description and evaluation of the length-weight relationship of 104 demersal fish
species caught by bottom trawlers targeting shrimps on the southeast continental shelf of Brazil from 2004
to 2006. The regression criteria describing the length-weight relationship for each species were classified
as approved (met the criteria), approved with reservations (partially met the criteria), and not approved (did
not meet the criteria) based on linear regression parameters to determine whether length is a viable predictor
of weight. A total of 141,433 individual fish, comprising 44 families and 104 species, were sampled; the beta
parameter (± se) varied from 0.22 ± 0.12 to 3.94 ± 0.19, and the alpha parameter varied from -4.09 ± 0.04
to 0.89 ± 0.02. In total, 22 species were not identified by a recent large survey (2019) conducted in the study area.
The results of this study are significant for the management of fishery resources, mainly due to the occurrence
of unusual species, the economic importance and enormous effort exerted by the trawling fleet in the region,
and the substantial sample size, in which a large number of individuals per species were caught.


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How to Cite

Length-weight relationship of 104 demersal fish species from the continental shelf of the South Brazilian Bight captured in bottom trawl shrimp nets. (2024). Ocean and Coastal Research, 72. https://doi.org/10.1590/